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Terms Of service

Please read the following terms of use thoroughly. By accessing or using the Site (as defined below) and/or Service (as define below) available through the Site, you hereby agree to be bound contractually by and firmly adhere to these Terms of Use, as they may be amended or supplemented from time to time. If you do not accept these Terms of Use, you may not access the Site and use the Service.


  • The Site and the Service is accessible worldwide to anyone with Internet access.
  • The Service was designed to allow Visitors to earn money by sharing their URL ID links which are subsequently clicked on.
  • Users may also get paid by referring a friend to our Site and Service.
  • The Provider reserves the right to change the Site and Service functionalities at any time, in particular by introducing new functions and facilities for Users.

Conditions for Using the Site and Service and Rules of Liability

1. Technical requirements concerning the use of the Site and the Service are as follows:
  • Internet connection;
  • web browser enabling displaying of hypertext documents (HTML) on a computer screen which are linked with the Internet through a website with activated Java Script execution and writing cookies files;
2. It is User's responsibility to ensure that the equipment owned by him as well as the software used meets the above requirements and allow him to use the Site and the Service.

3. Before starting the use of the Site and the Service, User is obliged to familiarize himself with the provisions of these Terms of Use and with the Privacy Policy. Access and use of the Site and the Service is equivalent to accepting these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

4. Users undertakes to respect the Terms of Use while using the Site and the Service, both in its current wording and with any later amendments.

5. User undertakes to abstain from any actions that could hinder or destabilize the operation of the Site or use of the Service. The Provider may, without any previous notice, undertake any action available, inclusive of a demand for compensation, as a response to any malicious activities or any other breach of the applicable law or these Terms of Use. Without limitation, the actions referred to in the previous sentence shall be as follows:

  • attempts at disturbing or cutting off access to subscriptions of other Users or to their computers (DOS, DDOS attacks, DNS spoofing);
  • entering malicious software into the system or onto the computers of the Provider, especially inclusive of viruses, Trojan horses or internet bugs;
  • pharming, that is the use of malicious software, disturbing the operation of DNS servers or other means aimed at redirecting User to a website or to another site impersonating the Site in order to gather personal data of the User, the data necessary for logging or other information;
  • taking over IP addresses;
  • direct or indirect sending of e-mail addresses for the purposes of sending mass unsolicited correspondence (spam).
Without limiting any other provision in these Terms of Use, User may not use the Site to do the following or assist others to do the following:

  • threaten, defame, stalk, abuse or harass other persons or engage in illegal activities;
  • link to the Site from another website or transmit any material that is inappropriate, profane, vulgar, offensive, false, disparaging, defamatory, obscene, illegal, sexually explicit, racist, that promotes violence, racial hatred, or terrorism, or the Provider deems, in its sole discretion, to be otherwise objectionable;
  • frame the Site, display the Site in connection with an unauthorized logo or mark, or do anything that could falsely suggest a relationship between the Provider and any third person or potentially deprive the Provider of revenue (including, without limitation, revenue from advertising, branding or promotional activities);
  • violate any person's or entity's legal rights (including, without limitation, intellectual property rights or privacy rights), transmit material that violates or circumvents such rights or remove or alter intellectual property or other legal notices;
  • transmit files that contain viruses, spyware, adware or other harmful code;
  • advertise or promote goods or services the Provider deems, in its sole discretion, to be objectionable (including, without limitation, by sending spam);
  • interfere with others using the Site or otherwise disrupt the Site;
  • defeat any access controls, access any portion of the Site that the Provider has not authorized User to access.

User may not use the Service for any illegal or unauthorised purpose. User must not, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in his jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws). In particular, User are prohibited from:

  • advertising their Mega Promo ID URL link directly on any form of traffic exchange/PTC website;
  • placing their Mega Promo ID URL link anywhere that may: (i) contain any types of content that is threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, harmful to minors, or contains nudity, pornography or sexually explicit materials; (ii) contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots, or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data, or personal information; (iii) contain software or use technology that attempts to intercept, divert or redirect Internet traffic to or from any other website, or that potentially enables the diversion of User commissions from another website;
  • offering any incentive for a visitor to click on their Mega Promo ID URL link, including gifts/points/cash;
  • asking/begging people to click on their Mega Promo ID URL link simply to generate a revenue;
  • creating 'redirect loops' to generate a revenue;
  • spamming with their Mega Promo ID URL link anywhere, including forums/chat/comments/blogs;
  • participating in click 'rings' where Users clicks on others links in return for others to click on his Mega Promo ID URL link;
  • opening Mega Promo ID URL link in a popup / popunder or iframe;
  • automatically redirecting to websites with JavaScript redirect or meta-refresh (only a HTTP redirect is allowed);
  • clicking on their Mega Promo ID URL link on their own (User may click on his own URL ID link one time to test it.).

6. Payments from the Provider are made through PayPal. User must have a valid PayPal account to receive a fee, as the Provider does not offer payment via cheque/check, credit card, cash or other method. The minimum amount available for a withdrawal is USD$25.

7. The Provider will only pay for clicks that are automatically tracked and reported by our system. For our system to track the click, the visitor must have cookies enabled. We will not pay fees if the click was not tracked by our system.

8. The Provider reserves the right to disqualify any fees earned through fraudulent, illegal, or overly aggressive, questionable sales or marketing methods.

9. If User is found or reported breaking any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, his URL ID will be removed and all fees forfeited.

10. The Provider is authorized to immediately, without prior notice, terminate an agreement, suspend or permanently remove the access to the Service of the User who breaches these Terms of Use.

11. If the user cannot use the URL ID to invite at least one visitor, then this user URL ID will become inactive ("Inactive Refferal ID"). Inactive referrals will be deleted within a certain time.

Intellectual Property

  • The Site and the Service and all rights related thereto are the exclusive property of the Provider or third parties. All creative elements placed on this Site are protected by intellectual property rights, and in particularly by copyright. All trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos, texts and other distinctive signs appearing on the Sites are the intellectual property of the Provider or third parties. Therefore, they may not be reproduced, used or represented without the prior written authorization of the Provider or third parties.
  • User hereby undertakes to respect intellectual property rights (including author's economic rights and industrial property rights, as well as the rights resulting from registration of trademarks) to which the Provider or third parties are entitled.
  • On the condition that the User complies with all his/her obligations under these Terms of Use, the Provider hereby grants to User a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sublicenseable right to access and to use the Service as the Provider intends the Service to be used, and only in accordance with these Terms of Use. Provider grants to the User no other rights, implied or otherwise. User will not nor will User allow any third party to: (i) copy, modify, adapt, translate or otherwise create derivative works of the Service; (ii) reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Service, except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction; (iii) rent, sublicense, lease, sell, assign or otherwise transfer rights (or purport to do any of the same) in or to the Service; and (iv) use, post, transmit or introduce any device, software or routine which interferes or attempts to interfere with the operation of the Service. User will use the Service solely for his/her own internal use. User will comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the use of and access to the Service. User may not provide access to the Service to third parties. The license granted above and User's right of use of the Service will terminate immediately if User fails to comply with these Terms of Use.

  • URL ID: AvmdPXUKd
  • Visitors: 0
  • Current Balance: $0.00
  • Last Payout: $0.00

0% withdrawal threshold...


You currently have balance of $0.00, after your balance reaches minimum of $25.00 you can make withdrawal to your Paypal account. Remaining balance needed is $25 or more.